Monday, June 20, 2005


Someting to share with u check it out!!!

Yesderday, i spent half an hour watching 3R programme.. very interesting boyfriend is.. dot dot dot

Everybody dreams of a perfect partner.. dark, tall, handsome, lot of money, good career, loving, caring...But the truth is.. nobody is perfect...

Scenario 1
Citer pasal Min, yang fall in love with a guy who is shorter than her..everytime when she goes out with her bf..then suddenly bummed to her other friends (specially male friends)...dia tak mengaku.. si shorty tu bf dia..siannyer si shorty tu...

Scenario 2
TJ and her bf are working in the same company. they love each other for quite sometimes la...and one day, TJ has got a promotion and now she becomes her bf's boss...hwaaa..sedihnyer..and of course laa..she earns more than her bf, si bf nie dah pk bebukan..he thinks that he isn't good enough for TJ..biasalah.. EGO LELAKI!!

Scenario 3
Dina and her bf kenal masa chatting (aiikkk cam citer kwn kiter yg sorg tu ekkk...saper hah? :P) The relationship has been going on for few months..Dina doesn't care how he looks like..the important thing..Dina loves him very much and she thinks that she knows him very well... (bole dia bercinta tak tgk muka dulu..pelik gue!)
They haven't meet yet but they planned meet. On one fine the best restaurant in town ...they have their first blind date laa..tapi..biler Dina masuk jer restaurant tu.. she saw.. a very young man sitting on the corner table wearing a white shirt (sebagaimana yg telah dijanjikan)...he's waiting for her!!! huang..huang..huang..cinta punya cinta..sekali jumpa..budak baru lepas SPM...heheheh. the question is..bole ker Dina bercinta ngan bf yg lebih muda???

All these examples ..are commonly happened..kiter syg that guy..dah janji sehidup semati..tapi hakikat nyer.. dia byk kekurangannyer... pendek la..keje biasa2 jer..gaji rendah..lebih muda..tak hensem..selekeh...jahat...

tapi, actually, we can accept him for who he is..tak kisah..tapi masalahnyer..masyarakat sekeliling...kwn2, family members..sumer la...mereka yg kisah..dan itu sumer akan meng'influence' tanggapan kiter kat bf kiter..betul tak??? Mana boleh tahan kak..kalau everytime kiter kuar ngan bf kiter.. org akan cakap "Pendek nyer bf dia..tak hensem pulak tu ..!" hwaa..betul tak...

Tapi cinta tak kenal sumer tu..Believe me! Like myself..once i chose kamarul...that's it!! no turning back..biar lah dia tak hensem..kurus..gaji pun tak seberapa..tapi tanggungjawab n sayang dia ..i wont get it from other men.. i do love him ... IBU SAYANG ABAH..

so, kengkwn..jom la share pendapat.. tak salahkan bertukar2 pendapatan..hehehehe ...share ur opinion, thought and experience here la... TQ..very muchy.. dahhhhhh!!!


makzue said...

Kejap..nanti akak komen...dah baca...nak komen pnjg sikit...k

Anonymous said...

hmm..btol sumer tu lia..beruntung sapa yg dpt org mcm u. i lain pulak..lain org lain cerita

lia puteri said...

hmmm...alhamdullilah laa..

lain org lain citer nyer...betul la..

beruntung sapa dpt org cam i..waahh..dgr tu kengkawan... bertuah bdn..sape dpt kiter...

thanks senja...:P

Cikgu Ita said...

Jodoh pertemuan di tangan Tuhan...

Anonymous said...


aku hanya mampu memberi satu keluhan yang panjang..

lia puteri said...

naper kak niza??? nak mengeluh kat blog lain suh comment laa

Puan Olynn said...

nak tukar pendapat boleh... tp nak tukar pendapatan, kena pk dulu... Kalau pendapatan lia melebihi pendapatan kite... anytime... heheh...

Puan Olynn said...
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Puan Olynn said...

Ala... biase la tu... Sesetengah org kate...Kalau hati dah cinta, biar la org nak kate ape pun... Tp ade gak yg jenis terlalu memikirkan orang sekeliling smpi hati sniri merana...

Kalau dulu, kite ni jenis yg no 2 tu... tp lame2 bile pk balik... kenape mesti nak terlalu pk kan tanggapan org lain pada kite sampaikan kite xdpt nak kecapi kebahagiaan yg kite cari selama ni...

So, kesimpulannya... biarlah ape org nak kata... asalkan kite bahagia dengan kehidupan kite... Tul x ?

lia puteri said...

betul la kak olin...

yg penting..dah terbukti..kak olin bahagia ngan life kak olin..bersama tasya n bapaknyer..hehehhe

ya allah, bahagiakanlah keluarga ini amin...

Anonymous said...


lia puteri said...

ala zai... stakat nak taip hmmm... baik xyah...

lia puteri said...

kak zai...tu kak olin yg tulis...

guys..berhati2...skrg bukan setakat kiter dah ader pencopet id yg masyhur..berhati2 laaa

makzue said...

nak komen lebih sikit...macam malas...sebab apa, setiap org mempunyai pendapat yg berbeza beza..dlm soal yg melibatkan hati nie...tak boleh paksa2 kite suka sapa atau benci sapa...pokoknya...kalau dah suka n sayang...pada seseorg tu...camner rupa dia pon[tp perangai dia biar ler elok]kita tetap kita...jgn dengar kata org...cheeewahhhh..pandai jer aku nie....tapi nak terjun ke bidang tu..punya ler seram...

lia puteri said...

kak zarul..
boleh jadik penasihat cinta....

cinta tak perlu ditunggu keranan ia akan hadir dengan sendirinyer