Monday, November 03, 2008

AYAT-AYAT CINTA- novel vs movie


Entry kali nie still about AYAT-AYAT CINTA.

Last week, I finally managed to read the novel and I bought the DVD as well.
And honestly, i have been amazed by the novel MORE THAN what we've seen in the movie.

Aku suka sgt Aisha dalam novel tu. Betapa baik dan terpujinya akhlak dia bersama suaminya.
Setiap ayat dan tutur bicara dia pun sangat la tersusun dan sgt sedap didengar.
Betapa dia bersusah payah berkorban untuk selamatkan suaminya..demi anak yang bakal dilahirkan.

In the movie, aku suka sgt cara Aisha masa setiap kali dia bercakap atau memujuk suamiya. Dia mesti letak kedua tangannya kat dada Fahri. Sejuk hati Fahri...sejuk hati suami...

Ayat yg paling aku ingat, dan tak boleh lupa dalam novel ni masa Fahri terasa hati dengan Aisha. Then Aisha cakap "Celakalah aku wahai kekasihku, sekiranya aku telah membuatkan kamu sedih." Ya Allah, mcm tu sekali Aisha melaknat dirinya bila dia sedar dia telah melukakan hati suaminya.

But, no matter how..aku tak suka Maria. Bagus la dia mati, daripada dia mengganggu kebahagian rumahtangga orang lain. Oppss... Sorry. I 'm against POLYGAMY! It's a NO-NO, BIG NO for me! Nauzubillah... mintak la dijauhkan...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thanks for Coming...


Finally berjaya jugak aku buat open house last Sunday. Penat giler...baru aku tau bukannyer senang nak organise kenduri or any event kat rumah sendiri.

Terima kasih kepada kak zana n family, Kakak n family (with Harith yang comel tu), ija n family, Abg Am (yg baru jer sampai M'sia cari Cape Town), Kak Ijam n Family, Izan, Am, Mak Uda n family, Hafiz, Nor n Family, Mak Ngah Sekeluarga, my grandmother n my neighbours.

Special thank you to my mum, angah, adik n musa... and Kak Niza n her mum (aku sayang sgt diorg coz diorg tak penah tolak jemputan aku, selalu dtg jenguk masa aku sakit, masa mak aku sakit, masa umairah lahir...tq nyer kak niza n mom...Allah jer dpt balas semua jasa baik akak n mak akak...)

Tq too to my floor manager...Aina Umairah. She was the happiest child on earth that day. She was very busy checking and running here and there. Meeting friends...wah bukan main seronoknyer dia... Sudahnya, malam merengek penat.. Sian anak mama...

* Next time, aku tempah katering je la jawabnyer...hahahha

Thursday, October 23, 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT!!! it's a house warming party!


I'm proudly invited all my blog friends to come to my house this coming Sunday

7545, Jln TSP Utama
Tmn Seri Pertam
Merlimau, Melaka

Time: 12 noon to 6 pm

Date : 26th October 2008 (Sunday)

So, pls come yaaa... Adios!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

B, Mama nak jadi ISTERI TERBAIK buat i love you very much sayang.


"AYAT_AYAT CINTA" fever has struck me this few days... as this film has a big impact of my life.

I wanna be as loyal and kind as Aisyah.. be a perfect wife to my hubby!

.::Ayat-Ayat Cinta::.

Desir pasir di padang tandus
Segersang pemikiran hati
Terkisah ku di antara cinta yang rumit

Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekadar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan

Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
Cintaku padamu
Bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
Seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
Namun harus ku tinggalkan cinta
Ketika ku bersujud

Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekedar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan

Repeat reff

Ketika ku bersujud

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


* Sayang Aina...

* Big enough for your hand dear...

* Aina Umairah = The queen with a pair of beautiful eyes. It shows...

Shadowed by a miscarriage...

It has been four months after that down-hearted incident. I could still remember, it was on friday... few minutes before the post mortem meeting started. And it happened there and then.

I was totally lost! I was dumbfounded... I didn't know that I was pregnant.. everything happened too fast. Fast enough to realize that my baby was gone. The doctor confirmed that I had a complete abortion of my 5 weeks of pregnancy.

I cried my heart out..I locked myself in the room and refused to talk to anyone. I put the blame on me. It took me almost three days to stop crying... but it takes me forever to stop grieving on my child's death.

Ya Allah, this is the greatest test for me this year...

And finally I realized, I suppose to be happy and grateful... at least I still have Aina Umairah. God knows the best... He knows that it wasn't a right time for me to get pregnant again. Just not yet!

Umairah needs my attention and love. She needs me so much.. So do I! Thanks a lot sayang, as she never left me alone..never! During my downs... the hardest moment of my life.

A special thank you I dedicated to my hubby. My biggest worry was I thought he would blame me for his lost. Alhamdullilah... he always stands by my side, for every ups and downs. I love you, B..ever

Honestly, I'm still grieving on my child's death..deep in my heart. I tend to be happy to recieve the news..that my friends are pregnant. I envy them so much...

But, as I said... Allah knows the best for me. There will be a day for me to get pregnant again..and maybe with healthy and tough twin! who knows...

I just need to be calm... avoid being stress... and believe that my day will come..soon, very soon...

Dear Allah... help me, guide I'm too weak. I'm hoping for a miracle, I'm hoping for my second and next babies... Amin...


Monday, September 08, 2008

Rumah kami, syurga kami...MATAHARI


I bought this house on Aina's 1st birthday as a gift for her. Sooner or later the house will be hers.
Me and my hubby have decided to choose Ayer Tawar, Merlimau as the location of our house as it is situated at the border line of Muar-Melaka.

So, I'm gonna take about 30 minutes journey to my workplace and it goes the same to my hubby. But, thinking of the increasing price of fuel...hmmm it is quite a challange to me I guess. However, for me... marriage is all about sharing and testing our ability to face everything together. Agree?

Now, it is still in the final touch progress. Painting (I HAVE SEVEN COLOURS..heheheh), wiring, renovating...hmmm and it is tiring and cost me a lot! But, everything is for our own good. Takpe..takpe...

Insya allah, we will move in by this 3rd week of Ramadhan. Insya allah if everything will be settled on time.

We call it MATAHARI. Why? We want to feel the warmness of our love showering everyone, every single angle and space in that MATAHARI, shines on all equally with its dazzling shine through the cloudless sky!

So, just wait for the invitation of the house warming party...Insya allah. Insya Allah...


* Aina in action - waiting for ABAH (abah tgh solat dalam surau)
* Aina & her sweetheart at Deli France, KLIA
* Me & the queen of mine, Hentian Tapah on the way to Taiping



finally, luckily...i managed to discover the password of this blog..

so many things to be shared and updated...

so wait, as they are more to come!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ku ulangi

kau yakini hati ini

Kerna aku cinta kamu

Hari hari aku

Kan menjadi hari kamu

Kerna syarat hidup


Aku perlu kamu...