Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Akum bloggers...

Firstly, aku nak memanjat syukur pada ALLAH swt..di atas rezeki yg Dia beri pada aku...alhamdullilah

Alhamdullilah, selepas aku bertunang, sampai la saat nie..rezeki aku bertambah2 byk..alhamdullilah..aku pun tak tau la naper..tapi sekarang nie aku rasa betul2 bersyukur...Terima kasih ALLAH!!!

There are thousand of things and news that make me happy right now...and i really hope they will be much more after this...

Dan..aku sedang menunggu satu lagi berita baik...sekarang nie. Insya allah..kalau betul..i will absolutely let u guys know...just pray for the best for me k...(KAK NIZA, U WILL BE THE FIRST TO KNOW!!!!)

ALHAMDULLILAH..all the classes (form 5) that i teach so far are doing just fine..they r all ok...bagus laa..they cute, notty, active (in fact most of them are hyper active ;p) and they love sharing their ideas and thoughts.. best sgt! i feel each class is alive! and sometimes they make too much noise that interrrupting other classes...waaahhh...musti kelas lain jeles kan??? hehehhehe

Ya Allah...mudahkanlah segala urusan hidupku, urusan keluargaku, urusan kerjaya ku..berkatilah setiap rezeki yg Kau beri..Amin..

May all the wishes that i asked have been listened by Him..amin

p/s; appreciate every single thing that u own...coz u will absolutely regret for the rest of ur life..when u lose it... ;p


Puan Olynn said...

ape la lia ni... budak kelas dia bising pun nak bangge. Hehe...

snowwhite_girlz said...
